
Underscore Films abides by all filmLA guidelines for productions during COVID-19.

As the film community resumes work, it is both our promise and responsibility to keep your production and the community healthy and safe. In an effort to do so, our productions will follow the below guidelines as necessary for your shoot size:

  • Limited crew, cast, agency and clients

  • On set COVID Compliance Officer

  • Registered nurse to administer testing or pre-screening of all cast and crew

  • Provide all crew, cast, and clients fresh PPE twice a day

  • Hand washing stations and disinfectant throughout

  • Digital distribution of all scripts, schedules, and safety protocols

  • Frequent cleaning of all shared equipment

  • Social distancing

  • Catering and craft service modifications

  • Virtual participation upon request

    HD streaming directly from the camera

    On set wide camera of the set

  • Backup crew and cast on call when necessary